Source code for numkit.integration

# numkit --- integration
# Copyright (c) 2010 Oliver Beckstein <>
# Released under the "Modified BSD Licence" (see COPYING).
:mod:`numkit.integration` --- Numerical integration of data

.. SeeAlso:: :mod:`scipy.integrate`

.. autofunction:: simps_error


import numpy

    from scipy.integrate.quadrature import tupleset
except ImportError:
    # from
    def tupleset(t, i, value):
        l = list(t)
        l[i] = value
        return tuple(l)

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("numkit.integration")

[docs] def simps_error(dy, x=None, dx=1, axis=-1, even='avg'): """Error on integral evaluated with `Simpson's rule`_ from errors of points, *dy*. Evaluate the integral with :func:`scipy.integrate.simps`. For a given vector *dy* of errors on the function values, the error on the integral is calculated via `propagation of errors`_ from the `Newton-Cotes formula`_ for the 3rd `Lagrange interpolating polynomial`_. The results are exact for the cases of even spacing *dx*; for uneven spacing we currently average all spacings (exact solution is in the works...) :Arguments: *dy* errors for the tabulated values of the integrand f *x* values of abscissa at which f was tabulated (can be ``None`` and then *dx* should be provided) *dx* constant spacing of the abscissa *axis* axis in *dy* along which the data lies *even* see :func:`scipy.integrate.simpson` ('avg', 'first', 'last') .. _Simpson's rule: .. _propagation of errors: .. _`Newton-Cotes formula`: .. _Lagrange interpolating polynomial: """ # copied basic structure from scipy.integrate.quadrature.simps dy = numpy.asarray(dy) nd = len(dy.shape) N = dy.shape[axis] if x is not None: x = numpy.asarray(x) if len(x.shape) == 1: shapex = numpy.ones(nd, dtype=numpy.int64) shapex[axis] = x.shape[0] saveshape = x.shape returnshape = True x=x.reshape(tuple(shapex)) elif len(x.shape) != len(dy.shape): raise ValueError("If given, shape of x must be 1-d or the " "same as dy.") if x.shape[axis] != N: raise ValueError("If given, length of x along axis must be the " \ "same as dy.") else: last_dx = first_dx = dx avglast_dx = avgfirst_dx = dx returnshape = False if N % 2 == 0: val = 0.0 # holds trapezoidal error**2 result = 0.0 # holds Simpson error**2 correction = 0.0 # overlap correction for combining trapz and Simpson slice1 = (slice(None),)*nd slice2 = (slice(None),)*nd if not even in ['avg', 'last', 'first']: raise ValueError( "Parameter 'even' must be 'avg', 'last', or 'first'.") if even in ['avg', 'first']: # Compute using Simpson's rule on first intervals slice0 = tupleset(slice1, axis, -3) slice1 = tupleset(slice1, axis, -2) slice2 = tupleset(slice2, axis, -1) if x is not None: last_dx = x[slice2] - x[slice1] penult_dx = x[slice1] - x[slice0] avglast_dx = 0.5*(penult_dx + last_dx) val += _trapz_2pt_error2(dy[slice1], dy[slice2], last_dx) result += _simps_error2(dy,0,N-3,x,dx,axis) correction += _trapz_simps_overlap2(dy[slice1], avglast_dx) # avglast_dx not strictly correct for x!=None! if even in ['avg', 'last']: # Compute using Simpson's rule on last set of intervals slice1 = tupleset(slice1, axis, 0) slice2 = tupleset(slice2, axis, 1) slice3 = tupleset(slice1, axis, 2) if x is not None: first_dx = x[slice2] - x[slice1] second_dx = x[slice3] - x[slice2] avgfirst_dx = 0.5*(second_dx + first_dx) val += _trapz_2pt_error2(dy[slice1], dy[slice2], first_dx) result += _simps_error2(dy,1,N-2,x,dx,axis) correction += _trapz_simps_overlap2(dy[slice2], avgfirst_dx) # avgfirst_dx not strictly correct for x!=None! if even == 'avg': # simply average the variances of 'odd' and 'even' because the two # data sets are not independent; hence it would be wrong to # estimate it as avg**2 = 0.5*sqrt(da1**2+da2**2) val /= 2.0 result /= 2.0 correction /= 2.0 result = result + val + correction # err_simps**2 + err_trapez**2 + correction else: result = _simps_error2(dy,0,N-2,x,dx,axis) if returnshape: x = x.reshape(saveshape) return numpy.sqrt(result)
def _trapz_simps_overlap2(dy, dx): """Correction term in the squared error when combining trapezoidal and Simpson's rule. Only exact for equal spacing *dx* left and right of *dy*. err^2 = (h/6)^2 ((3 Df0)^2 + ((3+2)Df1)^2 + (8Df2)^2 + (4Df3)^2 + ...) |-- trapz ---| |--------- Simpson --------------- (3+2)^2 = 3^2 + 2^2 + 12 <--- 12 is the "overlap" correction """ return (dx/6)**2 * 12 * dy**2 def _simps_error2(dy,start,stop,x,dx,axis): """Squared error on Simpson's rule integration. :Arguments: *dy* errors at function values *start*, *stop* first and last index at which a Simpson 3-point interval starts *x* abscissa values (provide if spacing not equal) *dx* constant spacing (is overridden by *dx*) *axis* axis in *dy* along which the data lie """ nd = len(dy.shape) if start is None: start = 0 step = 2 all = (slice(None),)*nd # check that stop is appropriate !!! slice2k = tupleset(all, axis, slice(start, stop, step)) # does NOT include last point stop+1 slice2k1 = tupleset(all, axis, slice(start+1, stop+1, step)) slice0 = tupleset(all, axis, slice(start, start+1)) # first point sliceN = tupleset(all, axis, slice(stop+1, stop+2)) # last point Df2k = dy[slice2k] # 2k Df2k1 = dy[slice2k1] # 2k+1 Df0 = dy[slice0] # first = 0 DfN = dy[sliceN] # last = N if x is None: # Even spaced Simpson's rule. # Simpson error propagation for I = (h/3)*(f_1 + 4f_2 + 2f_3 + 4f_4 + ... + 4f_{N-1} + f_N) # error**2 = (h/3)**2 * [sum_k=0^(N-1)/2 ((2*Df_2k)**2 + (4*Df_2k+1)**2) - 3*(Df_0**2 + Df_N**2)] # = (h/3)**2 * [sum_k=0^(N-3)/2 ((2*Df_2k)**2 + (4*Df_2k+1)**2) - 3*Df_0**2 + Df_N**2] # with the last term being the correction for the end points # # In order to work with nd-arrays I need to get the axis of '- 3*Df0**2 + DfN**2' # but my numpy-foo is weak and I don't know how to extract this axis nicely: Hence # sum the single term with the axis argument :-( result = (dx/3.0)**2 * (numpy.add.reduce(((2*Df2k)**2 + (4*Df2k1)**2), axis) \ + numpy.add.reduce(-3*Df0**2 + DfN**2, axis)) else: logger.warning("Approximating Simpson integration statistical error with the average spacing.") dx = numpy.diff(x).mean() result = _simps_error2(dy,start,stop,None,dx,axis) return result def _trapz_2pt_error2(dy1, dy2, dx): """Squared error on the trapezoidal rule for two points. For errors dy1 and dy2 and spacing dx.""" return (0.5*dx)**2 * (dy1**2 + dy2**2) def _trapz_error2(dy,start,stop,x,dx,axis): # not tested nd = len(dy.shape) if start is None: start = 0 step = 1 all = (slice(None),)*nd slicek = tupleset(all, axis, slice(start, stop+2, step)) # all points; stop+2 ?? slice0 = tupleset(all, axis, slice(start, start+1)) # first point sliceN = tupleset(all, axis, slice(stop+1, stop+2)) # last point Dfk = dy[slicek] # 2k Df0 = dy[slice0] # first = 0 DfN = dy[sliceN] # last = N if x is None: # from error propagation of I = (h/2) * (f_1 + 2f_2 + 2f_3 + ... + 2f_{N-1) + f_N) result = (0.5*dx)**2 * (4 * numpy.add.reduce(Dfk**2, axis) - 3*(Df0**2 + DfN**2)) else: raise NotImplementedError return result