3. numkit.fitting
— Fitting data
The module contains functions to do least square fits of functions of one variable f(x) to data points (x,y).
3.1. Example
For example, to fit a un-normalized Gaussian with FitGauss
data distributed with mean 5.0 and standard deviation 3.0:
from numkit.fitting import FitGauss
import numpy, numpy.random
# generate suitably noisy data
mu, sigma = 5.0, 3.0
Y,edges = numpy.histogram(sigma*numpy.random.randn(10000), bins=100, density=True)
X = 0.5*(edges[1:]+edges[:-1]) + mu
g = FitGauss(X, Y)
# [ 4.98084541 3.00044102 1.00069061]
print(numpy.array([mu, sigma, 1]) - g.parameters)
# [ 0.01915459 -0.00044102 -0.00069061]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(X, Y, 'ko', label="data")
plt.plot(X, g.fit(X), 'r-', label="fit")
If the initial parameters for the least square optimization do not lead to a solution then one can provide customized starting values in the parameters keyword argument:
g = FitGauss(X, Y, parameters=[10, 1, 1])
The parameters have different meaning for the different fit functions; the documentation for each function shows them in the context of the fit function.
3.2. Creating new fit functions
New fit function classes can be derived from FitFunc
. The
documentation and the methods FitFunc.f_factory()
must be overriden. For example, the
class FitGauss
is implemented as
class FitGauss(FitFunc):
'''y = f(x) = p[2] * 1/sqrt(2*pi*p[1]**2) * exp(-(x-p[0])**2/(2*p[1]**2))'''
def f_factory(self):
def fitfunc(p,x):
return p[2] * 1.0/(p[1]*numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi)) * numpy.exp(-(x-p[0])**2/(2*p[1]**2))
return fitfunc
def initial_values(self):
return [0.0,1.0,0.0]
The function to be fitted is defined in fitfunc()
. The
parameters are accessed as p[0]
, p[1]
, … For each parameter,
a suitable initial value must be provided.
3.3. Functions and classes
- numkit.fitting.Pearson_r(x, y)[source]
Pearson’s r (correlation coefficient).
Pearson(x,y) –> correlation coefficient
x and y are arrays of same length.
- Historical note – Naive implementation of Pearson’s r ::
Ex = scipy.stats.mean(x) Ey = scipy.stats.mean(y) covxy = numpy.sum((x-Ex)*(y-Ey)) r = covxy/math.sqrt(numpy.sum((x-Ex)**2)*numpy.sum((y-Ey)**2))
- numkit.fitting.linfit(x, y, dy=None)[source]
Fit a straight line y = a + bx to the data in x and y.
Errors on y should be provided in dy in order to assess the goodness of the fit and derive errors on the parameters.
linfit(x,y[,dy]) –> result_dict
Fit y = a + bx to the data in x and y by analytically minimizing chi^2. dy holds the standard deviations of the individual y_i. If dy is not given, they are assumed to be constant (note that in this case Q is set to 1 and it is meaningless and chi2 is normalised to unit standard deviation on all points!).
Returns the parameters a and b, their uncertainties sigma_a and sigma_b, and their correlation coefficient r_ab; it also returns the chi-squared statistic and the goodness-of-fit probability Q (that the fit would have chi^2 this large or larger; Q < 10^-2 indicates that the model is bad — Q is the probability that a value of chi-square as _poor_ as the calculated statistic chi2 should occur by chance.)
- Returns:
result_dict with components
- intercept, sigma_intercept
a +/- sigma_a
- slope, sigma_slope
b +/- sigma_b
- parameter_correlation
correlation coefficient r_ab between a and b
- chi_square
chi^2 test statistic
- Q_fit
goodness-of-fit probability
Based on ‘Numerical Recipes in C’, Ch 15.2.
- class numkit.fitting.FitFunc(x, y, parameters=None)[source]
Fit a function f to data (x,y) using the method of least squares.
The function is fitted when the object is created, using
. One must derive from the base classFitFunc
and override theFitFunc.f_factory()
(including the definition of an appropriate localfitfunc()
function) andFitFunc.initial_values()
appropriately. See the examples for a linear fitFitLin
, a 1-parameter exponential fitFitExp
, or a 3-parameter double exponential fitFitExp2
.- The object provides two attributes
list of parameters of the fit
message from
After a successful fit, the fitted function can be applied to any data (a 1D-numpy array) with